Should You Get That Marketing Certification?

Should You Get That Marketing Certification?

Colin Jeffries is vice president of marketing and communications at BrightView Health and host of the Rethink Marketing podcast.

Meta, Adobe, Hootsuite, HubSpot, Salesforce and many other platforms offer free certificates. These programs are intelligently designed to help professionals add more value to their employers or stand out in the job market. This begs the question: Does a marketer with a certain certification create more value and receive higher compensation than someone without one?

Continuous learning is the key to marketing success as the marketing ecosystem painfully transitions into the era of machine learning and artificial intelligence. Certifications make it easier to demonstrate learning and improve skills, but it's hard to argue that they're all good.

First, let's define our terms. There are academic certificates (the kind you'd get from Coursera or a university), and then there are certificates. Certifications are awards given by an organization to people who have demonstrated a certain level of competence in a certain way. In this article I want to focus on the latter, especially free or cheap certificates for marketers.

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