Sometimes we find inspiration and encouragement in the most unlikely places.
Last month I was invited by my colleagues for an informal lunch and chat. Although my schedule is full of meetings and commitments, I agreed. I've been working hard lately to say yes to as many invitations as possible because there are often unexpected moments of connection and insight that come from new and different experiences. I find it extremely valuable to experience new things.
The day of the ceremony arrived and I was in a hurry to get there. I arrived just in time, met a few people and sat down to listen to the lectures and enjoy a leisurely lunch.
The conference focused on walking the Camino de Santiago in Spain and the lessons that can be learned from this intense effort. If you're not familiar with the Camino, it's a historic route of over 600 miles that crosses Spain. People, actually pilgrims, have been walking the Camino de Santiago for all kinds of spiritual reasons for centuries. Speaker Blaine Rada shared his experience.
I got a lot out of the talks and some of the takeaways were related to work, business and marketing.
The Camino is a big undertaking. It is not easy. It can be discouraging. It can also be incredibly uplifting and exciting. It takes a lot.
You can probably see where I'm going here.
Rada quotes Dwight Eisenhower. "Planning is nothing, planning is everything. »
Are there true words for life and business? We plan and plan, then plans change and we keep planning. Marketing asks this of each of us.
December is the time to make plans for the new year, but plans can change as we gain knowledge, face obstacles, experience horrors and move forward. We need In this matter, Eisenhower was absolutely right. It was reasonable of Radar to link this quote to his martyrdom on the Camino de Santiago. As marketers, we must continue our efforts with dignity, plan as much as possible and continue to plan in the coming months.
Challenges await you in the new year. You may not have a budget for marketing. Maybe a technique you've tried is producing amazing results. Learn from this information and keep planning.
Radha talks about the hard days of climbing big hills and how she just learned to "lean into every hill". That's right, tackle the difficult aspects of communication and marketing and give yourself the grace to try again. This way you will have great success for weeks and months.
Quality and effective marketing and communication is a service you provide to your audience. Sure, you're promoting your business, but if you're smart and truly believe in it, your outbound marketing will feel like a gift that needs to be given. With kindness and compassion for your customers, you can create very successful marketing campaigns.
People walking the Camino encourage each other in many ways. One of the simplest is the gentle greeting they give each other. "Buen Camino," we say colloquially. Running well.
Every marketer walks to meet clients and customers. How do you greet them? How will they feel about you and your business? If you plan, continue your motivated efforts, and listen to the various experiences and knowledge you gain in response to your efforts, you can achieve your ambitious goals.
To all small business marketers I say Buen Camino. "You can do it. Ask people like me for help when you need it and you will achieve your goals and experience the joy of success you so deserve.
Rebecca Hoffman is the founder and principal of Good Egg Concepts, a strategic communications and brand marketing consulting firm serving clients in the Chicago area and nationally.