Business members' opinions are their own.
In the last decade, franchising has become an extremely competitive business, and every advantage that can be taken to develop, grow and establish a brand can result in hitting or missing annual sales goals. Now more than ever, video marketing and production is starting to fill that gap. According to an internal survey by Franchise IQ, 87% of customers indicated that the use of video, specifically testimonials, was a major factor in their decision to purchase a franchise. Why him? Because videos leave a lasting impression on current and prospective customers.
For franchisors, the complete sales funnel is an important aspect of a brand's marketing plan and initiatives. From a holistic perspective, it's important to provide resources that will have a profound impact at every stage, including the top, middle, and bottom of the funnel. Visuals, whether print or video, are an incredibly powerful tool for conveying information and connecting with potential customers and franchisees, which is not surprising given that people spend a third of their time online watching video.
Here, we look at a specific type of video content that can help franchisees maximize their funnel potential at each stage of the buyer's journey. As you'll see, video is just one aspect of the marketing mix that can be used in all three areas. So.
Related: Connect with your audience through video
Best tube videos
The most valuable type of video at the top of your franchise sales funnel is simply introducing your brand to potential customers. Videos featuring a brand's CEO or founder are ideal for this purpose, as they allow viewers to understand who is behind the company and create a personal connection. But senior executives aren't the only viable option for spokespeople. It can also be effective to showcase current franchisees who have developed and maintained successful businesses under the watchful eye of the brand.
Additionally, this step also allows you to create videos that address the most common objections potential customers have to a particular franchise opportunity. Finally, for the top of the funnel, brands are encouraged to develop videos that include multiple candidate personas to create a personal connection with potential franchisees. Ultimately, brands need to present their story at the top of the funnel and explain it in simple terms that are easy to understand and appreciate.
Video in the middle of the channel
As for the middle of your sales funnel, this is a great opportunity to focus on building trust between franchisees and potential candidates. This is where the franchise testimonial videos come in. How: Because now is the time to show how real entrepreneurs have benefited from being part of your growing exclusive family.
The middle of the funnel can also be a good time to show videos that demonstrate the current level of support that candidates can expect from the brand. These videos can be extremely persuasive because they show exactly who prospective owners will be working with on a daily basis once they become owners themselves.
Another effective mid-funnel video includes the popular "Days in the Life" montages that show a typical office routine, or working from home if that's a distant concept. This is an opportunity for members to experience what life as a brand owner can be like.
A word of caution here. don't skimp on the narrative aspect of this step. You don't want a long piece of film, but it's important that people see something that really reflects the franchise's affiliation with the brand. Done right, this video can really visualize and convince a candidate that they too can thrive as a franchisee and enjoy a better life and future.
Related topics: Why should franchise brands start with video marketing?
Down tube video
When it comes to getting out of the sales funnel, now is the time to get excited about the upcoming presentation day. Why is it important? Because this is literally the intersection where potential candidates make the final decision whether or not to join your exclusive growing family.
What does a good commercial look like? A good way to get closer to this step is to watch a video that shows you everything you need to know to become part of a franchise family, especially the more basic details like systems and processes. Quick jumps from connected scenes can be not only spectacular, but also fun.
In order to lock in good video examples at the end of the channel, it's important to go through the whole experience. Make sure your prospects know they're about to be welcomed into the franchise family. A good example is a short "high-style" highlight video that talks about everyone in the company working as a team. A "welcome to the family" montage may be just the emotional connection needed to get that candidate to sign on the dotted line.
Video content has increasingly proven to be a powerful tool for increasing customer engagement and conversions. This may be an important part of any marketing strategy, but it has been extremely effective for franchisees. By taking a holistic approach that breaks down the types of videos you should create at each of the three stages of your sales funnel, you can be sure that your strategy is well thought out and well planned. The video is really powerful. This is a pretty effective way to show potential customers that they not only believe in the concept, but believe in a family that cares about their success as a small business owner.
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