How An Alternative Data Marketing Plan Increases Valuation

Ryan is a highly successful marketing professional whose creative thinking helps solve business challenges.

Your startup is booming and your new product line is about to launch. It will be looking for a new round of funding in a few months and is optimistic about what the new valuation might look like. But there are alternative data sources that can undermine this estimate or take it to a new level.

Investors and financial analysts have long used unconventional information to make decisions. For example, satellite imagery can determine the traffic patterns of retail stores by looking at how full (or not) their parking lots are on any given weekend. Alternative digital data is now freely available, and it has become much easier as AI-powered technology cleans up all available sources of business information.

Social media activity and comments, product and service reviews, job postings, and upvotes can affect your company's ranking. This is alternative data, which is a growing source of publicly available data that researchers are studying. So how can you be sure that this information, which sometimes seems out of your control, represents the best of your business?

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