Content Marketing Statistics & Facts

Content Marketing  Statistics & Facts

Budget and indicators. a continually growing story

Content plays a key role and in today's competitive world of marketing, businesses across the globe come together in creative endeavors to connect with their customers. Looking at spending data, nearly half of marketers plan to increase their content marketing budgets in 2023. 80% of other marketers worldwide believe their content strategy has been very successful . Additionally, advertisers have found PPC to be effective for brand engagement and media owners have found it useful for thought leadership. In line with all these growth trends, tracking content marketing metrics helps marketers analyze the performance of their content. Overall, more than half of marketers surveyed reported tracking metrics such as page views, emails, social media and website engagement. However, about 20% of them did not understand what exactly determines the results of the work.

More interesting than a regular blog post: Video and social media

There are different approaches to content marketing to meet different needs and goals. Depending on the business, marketing strategies can include anything from images, infographics, videos and GIFs to blog posts and email newsletters. Surveys show that video has been the most popular form of content marketing and has become the leading area of ​​content marketing investment in 2022 among B2B and B2C marketers. Industry professionals seem to consider video/visual content as one of the most effective content marketing tactics. , which isn't surprising considering this format's potential to achieve great success in attracting and engaging audiences. And as 30- to 60-second videos become increasingly popular among consumers, marketers are looking to incorporate shorter-form videos into their strategies. As social media dominates content distribution and consumption, posting more frequently online becomes a natural tactic to help marketers improve search engine rankings. Interestingly, both B2B and B2C marketers have chosen LinkedIn as the most effective social network for content distribution in 2022.

This text provides general information. Statista is not responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the information provided. Due to different update cycles, the statistics may show more up-to-date data than indicated in the text.

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