Turning Panic Into Progress: Mobile Marketing And Privacy Regulations

Turning Panic Into Progress: Mobile Marketing And Privacy Regulations

Katie is a product manager at Adapt , a measurement and analytics suite that helps marketers build their apps across platforms .

In most cases, the result of forced and unexpected change is uncertainty and anxiety. This has certainly happened in the mobile marketing industry in recent years, as major players like Apple and Google have tightened controls on user data privacy, introduced stricter regulations, and questioned many of the tactics historically used by mobile marketers.

At the time of these events, few in the industry understood the challenges (and opportunities) that would arise from changing user privacy. New measures, such as the iOS 14.5 App Tracking Transparency (ATT) and SKAdNetwork (SKAN) platforms, as well as Google's privacy sandbox, significantly limit the attribution of data used by mobile marketers to measure and optimize marketing campaigns.

But there is also a positive side: the opportunity for marketers to explore new innovative directions. Innovative measurement techniques powered by machine learning (ML) have enabled mobile marketers to reach their audiences like never before.

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