Marketing Strategies To Retain B2B Customers In A Volatile World

Marketing Strategies To Retain B2B Customers In A Volatile World

Andrea Aker is the CEO of Aker Ink PR & Marketing , a full-service firm that helps companies build awareness, thought leadership and grow leaders.

The recession continued. Inflation is market volatility. Businesses of all sizes and in all industries face seemingly endless financial challenges. As cost-cutting measures are introduced, suppliers must prove themselves to avoid this obstacle. Businesses debate what is essential, and marketers must focus on generating new business and retaining existing customers.

Business acquisition and retention strategies are brief. Current customers are likely to have adopted the brand, mission and value of the product/service. But how can businesses build loyalty when their competitors offer bigger, better and possibly cheaper deals?

Start with a solid foundation.

You cannot build a house without a solid foundation. A statement chandelier or intricate crown molding cannot be installed until the cracks are repaired and the walls are solidified. Think of your marketing strategy this way. Without a proper foundation, your efforts will surely fail.

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