New Logo, New Marketing Plan, New Director

New Logo, New Marketing Plan, New Director

June 9 - Principal Welch unveils new logo at Ohio Riverway Launch.

Portmouth. Shioto County has spent a lot of time rebuilding its tourist destination image, and as such, many have returned to the Shioto County Visitors Bureau with a new purpose.

With new management, new marketing plans and now a new logo, the group is doubling down on ecotourism and outdoor activities.

“The community meeting went very well,” CEO Nate Welch said of the new logo. “Many people really like the brand, the logo itself is an eye-catcher. A lot of people say they love colour, it's very colourful, bright and brings the office to life."

Welch recently visited Columbus for Ohio Tourism Day and said he got a lot of feedback there as well.

“They welcomed me to Columbus. I have several people in the tourism business and people who are tourists comment on that,” Welch said. “They thought it was a really positive image. One says there has been positive change in the area and the logo reflects that. This is part of a general rebrand that reminds people that there are good things out there. It's just a manifestation of positive change."

Much of this planning follows extensive planning and investment in ecotourism and adventure tourism in the region, supported by the City of Portsmouth, Shioto County Commissioners, and many regional non-profit organizations.

Ecotourism is booming, and after the pandemic, more and more families are heading to nature and wildlife to spend time with loved ones. Shioto County and the region as a whole are building on this experience and looking to develop future opportunities. Some of these efforts include Shawnee State Park, Scioto Brush Creek, Pump Road, Mudguard, Somba Mountain Bike Trail, Conex events, multi-use trails, kayak launches and more. Includes the improvements made

“The marketing plan is the result of the research I did before starting to find out what we can do to reach the travel industry and more people. Images and logos were part of their recommendation. Technically, the logo consists of four elements. front and center,” Welch explained. - You have a biker who points out that there are plenty of opportunities to ride bikes not only in and around the city, but also mountain biking, pump tracks and much more. You have trees that represent the forest and surroundings. And you have plenty of opportunities to get outside, hike, or enjoy nature. You have kayaking, which is more focused on outdoor recreation, as is the confluence of the Sioto and Ohio rivers, lakes, and rivers. Opportunities for outdoor recreation. Black in the center of the line shows the mural and the historical look of the community. I think we can discuss in terms of how the colors represent the colorful place of Shioto County, how hospitable we are, even our art and music are here."

Welch said the plan talks about opportunities that can be highlighted in the future, what needs to be done in the area of ​​communication and messaging, and how to improve the community's overall image. This created special opportunities for exploration, from outdoor recreation to storytelling. Website rebranding is currently under development and future marketing, social media, etc.

“The marketing plan gave us a good idea of ​​the current market trends for different generations, especially for the younger generation after the pandemic. Doctor Welch. “Given my experience managing natural resources, parks and recreation, I can honestly say that yes, there are significant resources for these opportunities and interest in these things is only growing in the United States and around the world. Even here in Ohio, people are drawn to these events, and this was seen on Ohio Tourism Day.

Part of the plan, Welch said, is to reach more groups, and she has listed several local nonprofits as potential partners in expanding tourism.

Welch has been working since January and says he loves it.

“From a professional point of view, I think it was great. The people in the community welcomed me. Personally, I'm not the type of person to go in and immediately start making a difference when I start working at this level,” Welch said. “I want to see everything through the eyes of the organization and understand the situation. But when I stepped in, we began to change. able to change and control their development. The marketing plan was ready before I even joined the team, and then as soon as I started, the fine-tuning began," said Welch . “But things are going very well. I see the office working more closely with community members, both small and large, whether it's a small organization like Main Street focused on downtown or something larger like people in the area. In our region, etc.

Contact Joseph Pratt at (740) 353-3101, email, © 2022 Portsmouth Daily Times, all rights reserved.

This new marketing strategy changes everything

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