A Strategy For Determining And Influencing Marketing Investment

A Strategy For Determining And Influencing Marketing Investment

Lauren Weinberg, Chief Marketing Officer, Square

For CMOs in particular and marketers in general, deciding where, when and how to make marketing investments remains an art and a science, even in a data-driven world.

As marketers we shouldn't expect everything to be perfect because we are always adapting based on changing social/macroeconomic conditions. But, although it goes without saying, marketers need to be able to link their investments to business results. Not all investments should be tied to short-term results, but all investments should be tied to some business results.

In other words, don't invest in any marketing strategy and strategy if you can't clearly define what success means and how it will be achieved.

My advice is to think about the balance between creating and holding interest. Create a scorecard that integrates short- and long-term success metrics, including not just immediate transactions, but product awareness and understanding, which drives long-term and sustainable financial results and metrics. This helps you and your stakeholders understand and appreciate the purpose and impact of your investment.

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There is no perfect measurement solution. Consumption patterns and the digital landscape are moving at the speed of culture, which creates new challenges for marketers who want to measure ROI accurately and absolutely, especially when it comes to measuring brand marketing where there are few defined touch points. Therefore, and in the absence of certainty, he sees improvement rather than perfection. If it was simple, all brands would understand it.

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