The Marketing Benefits Of A LinkedIn Company Page

The Marketing Benefits Of A LinkedIn Company Page

Last month I researched the value of a LinkedIn page. This month I'll look at the benefits of a LinkedIn company page and the advantages of relatively inexpensive strategic marketing assets for your business.

As I write this, LinkedIn is increasingly filtering company pages on the platform, so the information I'm sharing today will reflect your most recent benefits and attributes.

First, it's important to understand the benefits of a LinkedIn company page. First, the website allows you to present your company and brand in the best possible way. When you publish your site, you can advertise jobs at your company and announce news, achievements, products and services.

Then, through your strategic communication, you can gain fans by building an evangelistic community for your business, made up of employees and customers. Another advantage of business pages is that fully populated pages will appear much higher in search results over time, especially if you are careful to include keywords in your site.

There are several aspects of a business website that you should pay special attention to:

1. Complete all relevant sections to create a very strong and readable profile;

2. Make sure to add your company logo as your profile picture;

3. Post a high-quality image for your cover photo and consider changing it regularly or on a specific schedule to increase visual interest.

4. Press the call to action button;

5. Add a well-written About Us section;

6. Add your location if you have a physical address;

7. Define specific keyword hashtags that will help people find your site

8. Appoint trusted people as site administrators. You don't want to get into a situation where the admin can be locked out of your organization's site when they leave their role in your organization.

9. Aim to publish good and engaging content at least once a week;

10. Try the LinkedIn Newsletter feature, which allows you to create and publish newsletters that your followers want to receive.

11. Invite all your employees to connect to the company site from their personal profiles;

12. Finally, invite your contacts to like and follow the page and ask your employees to do the same.

If you do these 12 things, your business site is on the right track to success.

LinkedIn has become a hub for business information and decision making. The more quality content you post, great images, and more information that lets people know about you and your business, the more power you have on your website. Once your site is published and finished, ask your employees to follow you and link to their profile so you can share the content with their network.

What I've covered in this short column is a selection of steps you can take to move your platform. I guarantee that LinkedIn will continue to introduce new functions and features that are great for your marketing efforts.

• Rebecca Hoffman is the founder and principal of Good Egg Concepts, a strategic communications and brand marketing consulting firm serving clients in Chicago and nationwide.

LinkedIn Company Page Settings and Optimization Tutorial in Hindi | Free LinkedIn Marketing Course

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