Matter Made CEO Talks PostPandemic Marketing, Millennials, And Future Trends

Matter Made CEO Talks PostPandemic Marketing, Millennials, And Future Trends

The SaaS industry lives and dies at breakneck speed. SaaS startups at the top of the high-tech industry cannot afford to grow slowly and steadily. On the contrary, they are in constant vigilance, which is only possible in the world of technology.

Many successful SaaS unicorns struggle to combine marketing strategies with rapid growth and growing demand.

Most marketing agencies focus on specific areas such as strategy, tactics, or creative. Matter Made avoids these changes and adapts to the needs of each client, from marketing strategy and leadership to execution and results. Their ultimate goal is to help businesses improve demand efficiency; Reduce customer acquisition costs (CAC) and find effective ways to scale.

I recently had the opportunity to speak with Elias Rubel, Founder and CEO of Matter Made, to discuss recent changes in post-pandemic marketing strategies, the role of millennials in the marketing mix, and the marketing trends we target. in the future. . In subsequent years, the discussion.

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